Evaluate MicroEJ Embedded GUI

MicroEJ Embedded GUI solution includes a great set of functionalities for all kinds of uses, such as ready-to-use widgets for intuitive and highly performing user interfaces. After the creation of your own MICROEJ VEE using MICROEJ SDK, you will discover new exclusive UI features, such as:

  • Vectorial graphics (SVG format) and fonts
  • Improved extensibility (use your own algorithms)
  • Improved customization (more speed or less memory used)
  • And much more!

Get Started Now By Downloading MICROEJ SDK!


Simulate Your Product on a Virtual Device

Create your future future product without your hardware in hand: test several possible hardware configuration, evaluate the best compromise between features and electronic costs, interact with different teams to define the right specifications and simulate your system inputs/outputs such as sensors or actuators.


… And Execute on a Real Device

Developing for a real electronic board is as easy as for a virtual device. In fact, 100% of the code you might have created for your virtual prototype is directly portable without modifications, including the testing tools. Or, of course, you may choose to get directly to the subject and get your hands dirty on a real board, your choice!


MWT Examples

Test the most simple examples of the widgets framework libray called MWT. By consulting the examples you’ll learn how to:

  • customize the style of widgets using attributes selectors, similar to CSS.
  • introduce focus management in your project.
  • define a stylesheet in an immutable file rather than with Java code.
  • use a lazy stylesheet rather than the default stylesheet implementation.
  • develop responsive widgets using a MVC design pattern and how to display a cursor image representing the pointer.


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Widget Demo

This demo demonstrates MicroEJ’s extensive Widget library based on MicroUI 3 and MWT 3. It also showcases more advanced notions such as navigation and animation.

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Run your UI Widgets and Much More on STMicroelectronics STM32F7508-DK

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GUI Developer Guide

UI Documentation

The complete documentation will teach you all the concepts involving MicroEJ UI libraries: MicroUI and MWT. The documentation also includes useful tutorials on how to:

  • create a Widget
  • create a Container
  • define an Outline or Border
  • define a Background
  • create a Desktop Event Dispatcher
  • define an Extra Style Field

The document contains information on Images and Fonts use in MicroEJ technologies as well.

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MicroUI Examples

These examples provides easy to understand code for various common MicroUI functionalities such as anti-aliased shapes, fonts, gradient, strings display, MicroUI events, LEDs, and Images.

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Embedded Platform Developer Guide

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Get ready to upgrade your device with GUI & Connectivity tools, file system, and more.

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