STMicroelectronics STM32L4 Evaluation Boards

The ARM Cortex-M4-based STM32L4 MCU series leverages the innovative ultra-low-power oriented features, 640 Kbytes of embedded RAM, graphics performance (Chrom-ART Accelerator), and DSI controller. Enables users to easily prototype applications with state-of-the-art energy efficiency, as well as stunning audio and graphics rendering with direct support for AMOLED DSI round LCD display.



  • Smart connected devices
  • Ultra-low power devices
  • Industrial equipment


MICROEJ VEE Implementation for STM32L4R9I Discovery Kit

MICROEJ VEE for STM32L4R9I Discovery Kit based on FreeRTOS and IAR Toolchain.


  • Single-app VEE (mono-sandbox): SOURCE
  • Multi-app VEE (multi-sandbox): On request

Wearable Demo for STM32L4R9I Discovery Kit

A beautifuly designed Wearable UI Demo with smooth animations, fast rendering showcasing an impeccable UI/UX experience on smart electronic products.